Development in Local Communities
Development in Local Communities
Aciturri identifies, as one of its positive impacts, the social and economic stability it generates in the communities where it carries out its activities.
All Aciturri's industrial facilities remain in the area where they were initially opened or incorporated into the company: Miranda de Ebro since 1977, Tres Cantos and Boecillo since 2009, Alcalá de Guadaíra since 2010, Getafe, Seville, Puerto Real, Puerto de Santa María and Sao Jose dos Campos (Brazil) since 2019, and Rochefort (France) since 2022.
Economic activity and job creation are promoted around these areas beyond the activity itself, either through purchasing and subcontracting from local suppliers or other activities, such as those described below.
The decrease in demand and workload due to the effects of the pandemic, together with the slowdown in the recovery of the sector due to the impact on international trade of the invasion of Ukraine, generated significant problems in supply chains and price increases in raw materials and energy, has decelerated the company's growth. However, there has been a progressive recovery in annual turnover concerning the previous year, which in turn has impacted the environment, such as an increase in employment.
Once said that, no significant actual or potential negative impacts on local communities are identified.
Fundación Instituto Técnico Industrial
Fundación Instituto Técnico Industrial
This vocational school in Miranda de Ebro offers intermediate and advanced training and courses on supply and demand.
The school opened under the sponsorship of the religious order Compañía de Jesús. However, in 1999, the order announced the center's closure, which could have had devastating consequences in a town with such an industrial tradition. We couldn’t let that happen, for this school was one of the primary sources of professional qualification in industrial sectors and the only one in the field of machining. At that moment, Ginés Clemente, Aciturri’s founder and CEO, promoted a foundation of different enterprises (including Aciturri) that took it upon themselves to ensure the continuity of the school. This allowed to provide further formal education, while boosting company training and services.
From that day onwards, the Instituto Técnico Industrial provides qualified professionals for the nearby businesses and is one of the educational references in the area. In addition, its staff was able to keep their jobs.
CTME (Miranda de Ebro Technology Center)
It is a technology center founded in 1992 and supported by the CTME Foundation, a privately managed non-profit organization that comprises about 40 companies from the Miranda de Ebro area. Ginés Clemente is the president of the board of trustees.
Its goal is to help nearby enterprises by increasing their competitiveness and technological development through R&D&I.
Aciturri has contributed to developing and consolidating a business line in the aerospace industry in the center. This line incorporates a wide range of services for the industry and sells both in Spain and other European countries.
Polo Positivo
Polo Positivo is an industrial project accelerator launched by two foundations—Fundación Caja de Burgos and Fundación Tomás Pascual y Pilar Gómez-Cuétara—and three companies—Gonvarri, Grupo Antolín and Aciturri.
In 2023, the founding partners renewed their commitment to this initiative to promote industrial entrepreneurship in Burgos, added new partner companies and continued with the accelerator's activities.

Family Businesses in the Classroom
Since 2018, Aciturri has been participating in the Family Businesses in the Classroom Program, a project sponsored by the association Empresa Familiar. It aims to strengthen the content related to companies and entrepreneurship included in the school curricula for the senior year in primary school and three different years in high school.
The program includes activities facilitating direct contact between students, teachers, and family businesses so that they can learn about their values and their role in the socioeconomic environment. Thus, the program promotes entrepreneurial and business vocations among young people.
The company collaborated again with this project in 2023, thanks to the President and Founder of the company, Ginés Clemente, who attended a visit to one of the participating schools and the reception of the students at the company's facilities.
Formula Student
Aciturri has signed collaboration agreements with the Formula Student teams ARUS Andalucía Racing (University of Seville) and Formula Student Bizkaia (University of the Basque Country) in 2023.
The main objective of this non-profit educational project is to promote training, talent and employability through active teaching methodologies in different areas of engineering, including the design and manufacture of part of Formula-type racing cars and competition with other European universities.
In both cases, Aciturri's team supports the student teams during the project's development, providing technical advice from the company's professionals, supplying materials and products, and using its facilities for manufacturing different carbon fiber components.