About this report
About this report
The Aciturri 2023 Sustainability Report includes information on the company's economic, environmental, and social performance and its results.
Aciturri’s 2023 Sustainability Report is an account of our economic, environmental and social performance and its results between January 1st and Friday, December 31st, 2021 (consistent with the financial report), and is the seventh to be published (annually, since 2017).
It has been prepared using the GRI standards as a reference and complies with the provisions of Law 11/2018, of December 28th, an amendment to the Code of Commerce. This revised text of the Capital Corporations Act was approved by Royal Legislative Decree 1/2010, of July 2nd, and Law 22/2015, of July 20, on accounts auditing regarding non-financial information and diversity, so it is also the company's Non-Financial Statements Report for 2023.
This document on non-financial statements was included as a separate item on the agenda for its approval by the Board of Directors on March 20th, 2024. It will be made publicly available upon filing with the Mercantile Registry and the annual accounts (as of July 1st, 2024).
The entities included in the preparation of this document are Aciturri Aeronáutica, S.L.U., Aciturri Aerostructures, S.L.U., Aciturri Aeroengines, S.L.U., Aciturri Engineering, S.L.U., Alestis Aerospace, S.L.U., Alestis do Brasil Industria Aeroespacial, Ltda, Alestis do Brasil Industria Aeroespacial, Ltda., Alestis Aerospace Services, S.L.U. and Malichaud Atlantique S.A.S. As the parent company, Aciturri Aeronáutica S.L.U. wholly owns the others.
Other companies are linked to Aciturri Aeronáutica: Caetano Aeronautic, S.A., owned 50%; Payload Aerospace, S.L., owned 15.04%; and Bound 4 Blue S.L., owned 2.23%. They are both independent organizations, so Aciturri doesn’t intervene in their management. This is why this report includes no information about them.
The corporate organization chart as of December 31, 2023, is as follows:

Nacho Fernandez, Head of Communications and CSR at Aciturri, is the contact person for questions about this document (
[2-6] The most significant change in the 2022 Sustainability Report's impact on the organization's activities and value chain is the integration of the aerostructures business management from Aciturri and Alestis and the integration of the Rochefort site management into the engine components business (Aciturri Aeroengines).
[3-1] This Sustainability Report (and the previous ones published by the company) has been drawn up considering the corresponding materiality analysis, which in turn follows the principles of stakeholder inclusion, sustainability context, materiality and completeness. We started compiling the content with two things in mind—the analyses the company had carried out among stakeholders, as well as their needs and expectations (dialogue model with these interest groups) and the commitments we took on as signatories of the United Nations Global Compact.
On this basis, a few organization members were selected to represent stakeholders in the 2017 report. These people individually identified the relevance, economic, environmental and social impact of each of the topics proposed by the GRI Standards, their importance, including those related to human rights, and their influence on the stakeholders’ evaluations and decisions.
This analysis was completed for the 2020 report, and the concept of risk management was introduced. This modifies the impact assessment (consequences × probability) and adds value thanks to the company's risk management in each area.
From that moment on, and annually, a new matrix review is carried out from a risk management perspective.
Exceptionally, for the report corresponding to 2023, a comparative study is carried out between the list of material issues historically considered in Aciturri's Sustainability Report and Alestis' own report. This exercise includes a new material topic, “Quality controls, internal and in the supply chain.”
The materiality matrix for 2023 is shown in the image.

Material issues are located on the curve.
Economic standards
1Economic performance
2Market presence
3Indirect economic impacts
4Procurement practices
6Anti-competitive behavior
7Internal and supply chain quality assurance
Environmental standards
12Effluents and waste
13Environmental compliance
14Supplier environmental assessment
Social standards
16Labour/Management relationships
17Occupational health and safety
18Training and Education
19Rights of indigenous Diversity and equal opportunity
21Freedom of association and collective bargaining
22Local communities
23Supplier social assessment
24Customer health and safety
25Marketing and labelling
26Customer Privacy
27Socioeconomic compliance
NON-MATERIAL SUBJECTS: Assessment of human rights, public policy, security practices, forced or compulsory labor, child labor, indigenous peoples' rights, water and biodiversity.
The company's management has decided to externally verify this document by an independent third party concerning the contents required by Law 11/2018 of December 28th but not relating to GRI. The verification report is provided in Annex I.