These emissions are managed under Royal Decree 117/2003, on the limitation of emissions of volatile organic compounds as a by-product of using solvents for certain activities. The company is working to reduce them by substituting certain substances for less volatile ones.
In 2022, the relevant administrations were requested to exempt the facilities from the diffuse emission limits due to the application of the best available techniques, including solvent changes, monitoring programs and training. A decision is still pending for the facilities located in Seville, Alcalá de Guadaíra and Boecillo.
In addition, substances subject to authorisation were measured at the Ircio, Alcalá de Guadaíra and Ayuelas plants to comply with the REACH regulation.
Periodic noise measurements are carried out in all work centers where the competent administration requires them, and the established limits are complied with.
Regarding the previous measurements carried out at the Boecillo facility, where the levels were exceeded, the action plan specifically designed for this situation has already been fully implemented, pending verification of compliance with the levels by an independent entity, as required by law.
Light pollution at the Aciturri facilities is not significant, as in all cases, the lighting is similar to the lighting in the surrounding areas, which is necessary for walking around. Therefore, no specific actions were taken in this respect.